
Chasing our dreams often means making sacrifices, especially when it comes to showing our loved ones how much we care. This song is to remind all those who dream big that sometimes the biggest dream of all is simply having someone who can be there with you through all the good times and the bad - someone with whom you can be happy just sharing a home-cooked meal.

3 komentar:

Steven Sanjaya mengatakan...

"Success is not a destination. It is a journey". Well, maybe such quotation will do, too. :)

Darwin - Aming mengatakan...

ha? kok gak nyambung -_-
gak ngerti gue seriusan

Steven Sanjaya mengatakan...

Ya maksudnya itu jangan jadikan sukses ato kegembiraan terlalu sulit/susah digapai. Orang bijak bilang: "Tentukan goal Anda setinggi-tingginya, tetapi tentukan kebahagiaan & kesuksesan Anda serendah-rendahnya."
